Monday, 21 November 2011

My home Venue

Had my 2nd go at my home venue and blanked . I try and take positives but couldn't. the wind was a southerly which didn't help, not a big fan of frozen lugworm unless it's a cocktail (used with another bait eg squid or mackerel) or I'm after dabs or flounders during calmer conditions. At least I wasn't the only one to blank as a guy up from me blanked as well as I found out later on a forum we are members off.
 The tides are on the wrong cycle will have to wait till next week to try again and hope the wind is a westerly?????

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Past few weeks

Been busy the past few weeks with work, did get out for a few hours and had a few doggies. Been upgrading my sea fishing gear getting new hooks, swivels and beads so I can make my own rigs up, plus being more organised and tidy. Just had my birthday and bought some fly fishing gear so the trout and salmon should be worried lol, this is a new world opening up to me and I'm looking forward to it. with all the game waters up here it will be fun.